Why Are Ahmadis Supporting this Survey in UK?

A Survey under title "Understanding the Muslim minority within minority experience in the UK" is being held by University of Exeter for a PHD research.The Survey team has not appreciated that the community called Ahmadiyya, Qadiani, Mirzai are not part of the Muslim community. They have completely different beliefs All the different constituents, sects of the local and global Muslim communities have collectively unanimously given Islamic Fatwa of Ahmadiyya, Qadiani, Mirzai as Non-Muslims.

What Survey Team has
completely ignored?
• They have failed to give weightage to the possible benefits and threats arising from this Research
• They have failed to define the terms in most cases, altogether such as Muslim, Muslim Minority, Non-Muslims.
• Using a wrong sample of Ahmadiyya community to represent component of Islam and arrive at conclusions involving
Muslims, will return a wrong results and decisions because the sample does not represent the whole
• The geo-political sensitivities involved including Muslims, Non-Muslims and countries around the world
• This may trigger a fresh wave of hatred among Muslims in the UK and around the world
• Research will become documented history, a history writ wrong because the sample using which the whole research will be
based on, will be incorrect, faulty and non representative
• Wrong sample will result in wrong results, conclusions and inferences distorting the research in itself and writing wrong
• There is a very sensitive balance between the Muslims and other mainstream communities in the UK and any matter of
displeasure, controversial or disputed may trigger harm with colossal loss 

Possible repercussions of the Survey results

• Spread of hatred against Muslims

• Spread of discrimination against Muslims

• Spread of threats to the Muslims individuals, Property and Places of Worship

• Possible attacks on Muslim individuals, Property and Places of Worship

• Spread of hatred against those who are following Islam in letter and spirits such as men and women in Islamic dresses and


• Spread of hatred against Pakistan and contributing towards rifts which may lead to discrimination against Pakistanis and

introduction of policies against Pakistan and its people

• Spread of hatred against those who are creating awareness about Islam

• Spread of hatred against those who are protecting the basics and pillars of Islam

• Spread of hatred against those who are protecting the Holy Prophets such as Jesus and Holy Books such as Bible

• Breaching the Human Rights of Muslims to spread awareness about Islam and how Islam is distinct from other religions and believes 

What Muslims in the UK can  do?

• Email to the Research Ethics Committee University of Exeter

• Email to the Charlotte Littlewood

• Write to your Local MP

• Meet your Local MP in Person

• Use Social Media to create awareness on the possible negative impacts of the


• Muslims should lead in stopping the spread of hatred against anybody specifically

Muslims in the UK and worldwide

Write to the Survey Team

Email Charlotte Littlewood c.Littlewood@exeter.ac.uk Research Ethics Committee University of Exeter ssis-ethics@exeter.ac.uk Post Jonathan Githens-Mazer Associate Professor in Ethno-Politics Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies University of Exeter Exeter EX4 4RU United Kingdom Phone: +44 (0) 1392724032
